Public funds


This company participates in the Energy Saving and Efficiency Project for Galician Companies for the year 2023-24, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund, within the framework of the Galicia FEDER 2021-2027 Program (procedure code IN417Y), with funds from the Xunta de Galicia through the Galician Energy Institute and has been a beneficiary of the same in the following projects:

  1. Doofor DF530X Drilling Hammers (Exp. No. IN417Y – 23A33): We replaced the old Atlas Copco 1022 hammers, achieving a 52.00% reduction in consumption. Developed in August 2023. Investment: €25,952.00, granted aid amount: €12,623.60.
  2. Kasirga 600 Drilling Rig (Exp. No. IN417Y – 23A182): We replaced the old Marini drilling rig, achieving a 48.61% reduction in consumption. Developed in December 2023. Investment: €40,000.00, granted aid amount: €21,175.00.


Instituto Enerxético de Galicia
Unión Europea